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Art GCSE is Agonising

I will admit... That title is over exaggerated TO ME AT LEAST because I, wait no, it is agonising, I was thinking of boring for a second...





Okay, art GCSE is agonising especially with the new theme which is *drum roll*


You may be fooled, you may think "but you can do so much with that!" which is precisely what makes it bad. Its such a big theme that you can do anything, you can do a piece about birthday parties, or the Battle of Culloden (you are amazing if you get that reference) or the Tomato Festival or you can look at previous years of Oscar award shows and realise that in 2017 La La Land won a lot of awards so you take a look at the pictures and notice the yellow and purple a lot because that colour is very prominent in the photos so you take those colours and look into some other festivals and create a dress and mask for the Venice Film Festival then get a 9 at the end of the year because it is now 100% coursework and you don't have to create it in 10 hours...

Hh shit there's an idea!

That's not even a joke, that is an idea I came up with not just up on the spot but I'm still unsure on it, especially since I have to look at artists for inspiration.

That's the part about GCSE art that I dislike the most because there are no artists that I like. None. Literally none... I can't find anyone who interests me art wise, I mean, if I wanted I could do something anime style but I don't really watch anime prominently... I've just seen 2.5 (don't ask) and I've never read manga, I've never even really watched Pokemon!

anyway, I will say that GCSE art is good this year because we no longer have the 10 hour exam and its just 100% coursework which again is very good because we started coursework last year! My art teacher (who is an absolute legend) said I could get a grade 8 which is fantastic because I love art (having just written this my dad asked if I could make a birthday card for my uncle and I said no 0-o)

Last year, art was not bad, the beginning of the year was fine because I was using plaster but I ended up doing a final project that did not use plaster at all... Instead I made a collage with a drawing of hands ripping through it to a wall (the theme was surfaces) and I... Didn't dislike it but I do regret using *Mason's hands because they were so smooth and they looked like ghost hands, I should've used my dad's instead...

Nah these are the hands I should've used!

Those hands scare me

* (Mason is not his real name)

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