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Holly Bourne Burns

Not as in "she can go die" but as in "she is mentally burning all my other books because she is so good of an author in my eyes".

I first discovered Holly Bourne 2 years ago. It was christmas and my parents basically didn't know what I wanted, heck I didn't even know what I wanted except for expensive kpop albums (although I think at the time I was having a slight break from it... who am I kidding? I'm obsessed with it) so my dad bought be a book called 'a very murderous christmas' and I was like 'oooo yes, murder!' (although I have still yet to read it) and then out comes my mother's choice which was *drum roll*

Two Holly Bourne books!

The first was The Manifesto on How to be Interesting (story of my life) and the second was It Only Happens in the Movies.

Bhen I saw them I was a bit reluctant to read them (because I pretty much gave up on reading at the time, you know how teenagers are) but when I looked at the blurbs I was intrigued!

But I didn't read them until a month later, regrettably so! When I did get around to reading them I was hooked! I read the first one in a week and loved it, then I read the second one in a week and loved it, then I asked my mum for more books and she went yes! then I read those books and Christmas came round yet again and I got the last instalment of the spinster club series and read it in 4 hours...

And now here I am 9 months later with 16 unread books on my shelf because my presents were mainly money, money to Waterstones to be specific, and I used both my brother and I's gift cards and bought 20 books...

I both regret it and don't regret it. The reasons for not regretting are that my shelves look absolutely amazing but the part I regret is not having read all of them last year because now I'm doing GCSEs officially (year 11) and have pretty much no time to read... just kidding, I have all the time in the world because I'm lazy and don't do my work, I just play Among Us (blog on that soon!).

Anyway, what I also regret about that purchase was I did not buy a single Holly Bourne book with that money... It was partly because I didn't know she had anymore but she does and I want to read them desperately but I have to finish the other 16 books on my shelf (I'm currently on the 1st shadow hunters book)

Problem with me is I spent so much money on those books and when I started them, I realised I didn't like them and now I have many aesthetically pleasing books on my shelf with disappointing contents.

Just remember guys, its not about the appearance, its the contents that counts...

...that being said, those neon hunger games book covers are horrendous!

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